项目描述 Description | 通过对于数据的实时更新学习, 为用户提供一对一智能便捷的人工数据分析服务。将算法组合优化, 最大化KPI并通过比较选出最佳模型。 Seldon is an open-source machine learning pipeline which helps data scientists add intelligence to organizations. It is a platform-agnostic with no lock-in.
项目重点 Key Facts | 数以千计的行业及学术界的数据科学家将Seldon的机器学习和深度学习模型部署到生产线或云端。Seldon可为银行、技术、媒体市场的蓝筹客户提供信用卡违约预测、外汇市场预测、内容推荐以及销售流程优化等使用支持。
Thousands of data scientists across the tech industry and academia use Seldon to deploy machine learning and deep learning models into production on Premise or in the Cloud. Seldon supports blue chip clients in banking, technology, and media markets. Seldon works on cases such as: predicting credit card defaults, FX market prediction, content recommendations, and sales process optimization. |