Tender Title:Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor Project---C23- Composite Works Contract (Civiland General Electrical Services) on EPC basis
Country: India
Fund: AIIB
Tender Brief:The Government of Haryana (GoH) has applied for financing from the AsianInfrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) towards the cost of the Haryana
Orbital RailCorridor (HORC) Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds towardspayments under the contract for “C-23: Designand Construction of Civil Works (Earthwork, Bridges, Station Buildings,Retaining Walls and other miscellaneous Works) from km 29.58 to km 49.70 &from km 55.60 to km 61.50 and its connectivities to IR network from New Patlito Patli station & New Patli to Sultanpur station includingmodifications/civil works at Sultanpur Station in connection with laying of NewBG Double Railway line of HORC project.”
2. Haryana RailInfrastructure Development Corporation Limited (HRIDC), an implementing agency,now invites online Tenders through e-tendering portal of Govt. of Haryana fromeligible Tenderers for Package C-23 fulfilling the qualification criteria asmentioned in the Tender Document. The completion period of work is 639 days.Tenderers are advised to refer the Clauses on eligibility (Section I-ITT,Clause 4) and minimum qualification criteria
(Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria) given in Part 1 of TenderDocument, to qualify for the participation in the Tender
Deadline forSubmission: 20230109
Link: https://www.tenderaccess.com/page/biddingDetail/index.html?id=4676936