
发布日期:2007-06-04 23:56:39来源:www.epzbangladesh.org.bd作者:
Income Tax Regulations for EPZs EXEMPTION OF INCOME TAX FOR INDUSTRIES IN EPZS (IRD SRO No. 289-Law/89, dated 19 August, 1989) In pursuance of section 44(4) (b) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1984 (XXXVI of 1984) and cancelling the notification No. SRO 149-L/81, dated 12 May 1981, all industries operating in the Export Processing Zones of Bangladesh have been exempted from payment of income tax for a period of 10 years from the date an industry goes into commercial production. EXEMPTION OF INCOME TAX ON THE EXPORT VALUE (NBR File No. 4(9) Tax-8/92, dated 6 December, 1992) The National Board of Revenue has instructed that the enterprises of the Export Processing Zones who are getting exemption of income tax according to the SRO no 289-law/89, of NBR, dated 17 August, 1989 will continue to receive the exemption on the export value of the exported items. EXEMPTION OF INCOME TAX ON SALARIES OF FOREIGN TECHNICIANS WORKING IN EPZS (IRD SRO No. 150-L/8 1, dated 12 May, 1 98 1) In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 60 of the Income Tax Act, 1922(XI of 1922), the government is pleased to exempt from the tax payable under the said Act, the salaries of a technician who is neither a citizen of Bangladesh nor was resident in Bangladesh in any of the four years immediately preceding the year in which he arrived in Bangladesh and who is employed in any industry set up in any Export Processing Zone declared under section 10 of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority Act, 1980 (XXXVI of 1980), for a period of three years from the date of his arrival in Bangladesh, provided that such salaries are not subject to income tax outside Bangladesh. Explanation: The word 'technician' as used in this notification means a person who pocesses specialised knowledge in industrial arts and sciences and has experience in industrial practice and whose employment in Bangladesh, irrespective of his designation, is in a capacity in which such specialised knowledge and experience are both into play. EXEMPTION FROM DIVIDEND TAX FOR TAX HOLIDAY PERIOD FOR FOREIGN NATIONALS (IRD SRO No. 268-L/86, dated I July, 1986) In exercise of the powers conferred by section 44(4) (b) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1984, (XXXVI of 1984), the government is pleased to exempt from the tax payable under the said Ordinance the dividend income of non-resident shareholder of a company out of its profits from any industry set up in any Export Processing Zone declared under section 10 of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority Act, 1980 (XXXVI of 1980), for the period for which the industry enjoys tax exemption. Such exemption shall also be available even after the expiry of the tax exemption period if the dividend income is re-invested in the same project by the non-resident shareholder in such manner as may be specified by the Board. ACCELERATED DEPRECIATION TO ANY MACHINERY OR PLANT IN EPZS (IRD SRO No. 269-L/86, dated I July,1986) In exercise of the powers conferred by section 44(4) (b) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1984 (XXXVI of 1984), the government for the purpose of computation of tax, is pleased to allow accelerated depreciation to any machinery or plant, other than office appliances and road transport vehicles, which not having been previously used in Bangladesh, has been or is being used in such hi-tech electronics industry as may be specified by the board and set up in any Export Processing Zone declared under section 10 of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority Act, 1980 (XXXVI of 1980), to the extent of hundred per cent of the actual cost of machinery or plant within the tax exemption period of five or ten years, as the case may be, provided that an application for accelerated depreciation is made within four months from the end of the month of installation of such machinery or plant to the Board for its approval. IMPORT INTO AND EXPORT FROM EPZs A. The banking and customs procedure relating to export from or import into EPZs to or from any country outside Bangladesh shall be regulated in accordance with the instructions issued on that behalf by the Bangladesh Bank and National Board of Revenue respectively from time to time; B. Subject to the provisions of sub-paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) below, all movements of goods between EPZs and any other area in Bangladesh outside the Zones shall be regulated in accordance with existing Import and Export Control Regulations; C. The EPZ authority shall prepare a list of items (on the basis of NOC from NBR) required to be bought from the Bangladesh Customs area for use in the EPZ areas and get the same approved by the Ministry of Commerce. Any correction in, or amendment to, the said list may be made in accordance with the same procedure. The industrial units situated in the EPZ areas shall pay in convertible currency out of their own foreign currency accounts, the cost of goods bought from the Bangladesh Customs area as per the said list; D. The EPZ authority shall issue Pass Books in favour of industrial units situated in the EPZ areas indicating therein the amount in Taka up to which goods can be procured locally on a yearly, half yearly, or quarterly basis. When the value ceiling mentioned in the Pass Book will be exhausted, the EPZ authority may endorse a fresh value ceiling in the Pass Book or issue a new Pass book; E. The EPZ authority shall issue necessary "In-Pass" and "Out-Pass" for the machinery and equipment which are required to be brought out of the EPZ areas for the purpose of repair. On the basis of such passes, the Customs Authority, after making necessary entries in appropriate register, shall allow movement of machinery and equipment out of the EPZ areas for the purpose of repair and into the EPZ areas after repair; F. Wastes of commercial value originating as by-products of the industries situated in the EPZ areas may, if necessary, be allowed to be imported into Bangladesh with the prior permission of the Ministry of Commerce, Chief Controller of Imports and Exports and on payment of customs duties and other dues; List of items allowed to be purchased from the tariff area of Bangladesh in local currency for use in the EPZs includes: 1. All kinds of office stationery and printing materials; 2. All kinds of food and beverages; 3. POL: petrol, diesel, lubricants, kerosine, grease, mobile oil, tarpin oil, coconut oil, gas cylinders; 4. All kinds of construction materials: bricks, sand, cement, MS rods, nails, paints and varnishes; 5. Packing materials: Poly bags, cartons, straps, manila boards, sweet cones, thread, hessian clothes, packing wood, iron belts, tapes, strap bends, clips, paper boards, tissue papers, belt hooks, foam/cork sheets; 6. Dyes and chemicals: Thinner, bleaching powder, soda ash, potassium permanganate, sodium sulphate, sulphuric acid, caustic flux, cilicate and aica aiben; 7. Medicines for use in EPZS; 8. Accessories: woven labels, buttons, thread, elastics, zippers, pins, tapes, bends & clips; 9. Spare parts: Needle plates, sewing machine parts, Toppers, motor belts, generator parts, boiler parts, nut bolts, grinders, gate valves welding electrods, drills, hose pipes, steel sheets, angles, flat bars, bushes and bearings; 10. Electrical goods : induction motors, circuit breakers, switches, insulation tapes, bulbs of various kinds, heater coils, tube lights and dry starters.

