Official Name: Kingdom of Bahrain
Head of Kingdom of Bahrain : His Majesty the King, Shaikh Hamad bin Isa
Al Khalifa
Capital: Manama
Land Area: 709.5 square kilometers
Location: Lies between the east coast of Saudi Arabia and the Qatar
peninsula at a latitude of 26° North
Population: 1997 estimates: Bahraini - 380,000 (61%), Non-Bahraini -
240,400 (39%), Total - 620,400.
Climate: Summer: June-September, very hot and humid (36°C - 45°C).
Winter: December to February, cool or mild with occasional rain
(10°C - 20°C). Remaining months: March to May and October to
November, warm with occasional pleasant breezes (20°C - 30°C)
Time: Three hours ahead of GMT (+3GMT)
Language: Arabic is the official language although English is widely used
for business purposes and is usually understood.
Religion: Islam is practised by 85% of the population. However freedom
of worship is permitted to other faiths including Hinduism,
Parseeism, Judaism, Buddisim and Christianity.
Currency: Bahraini Dinar (BD), constituted of 1000 fils. Fixed against
the US dollar at 1US$ = BD0.3768
Bank Notes: 1, 5, 10 and 20 Dinar
Coins: 5, 10, 25, 50,100 and 500 fils
Business Hours: Government offices - 07:00-14:15 (Saturday-Tuesday), 07:00-
14:00 (Wednesday).
Banks - 07:30-12 noon (Saturday-Thursday), selected branches
also open a few hours some afternoons
Central Post Office (Manama, near Bab Al Bahrain) - 0700-1930
Shops - hours vary, but typically 08:30-12:30 and 16:00-20:00
(Saturday to Thursday). Many shops open half or full
day on Friday as well.
Weekly Holiday: Friday.
Government offices also close Thursday.
Many company offices also close half day on Thursday or all day on Saturday.
Electricity: 230 volts, 50 Hz except in Awali where it is 110 volts, 60 Hz.
Bahrain uses UK style 3-pin power outlets.
Water Tap: water is clean and free from contamination. However it can be
hard and for drinking purposes "sweet water" is recommended.
This is widely sold by shops in bottles, or can be delivered to
homes in large containers.
Medical Facilities: Bahrain has good quality modern medical facilities.
Treatment by state medical services is available to
citizens and residents free, or at a nominal cost. There
are also several private hospitals. Well stock pharmacies
exist all over Bahrain.
Visa: Required by all except nationals of GCC states. 72 hour or
seven day visa's are available at the airport immigration desk
and King Fahd Causeway. Visa's are available at all Bahrain
Embassies and Consulates. Extensions are available from Department of
Immigration, Manama.